Friday 4 January 2013

First week of school T.T

Hi minna!
School has started.. Sadly. NUUUUU D:
Soooo I just had my first week of school. Guess what they didn't count this week as week one per usual, they counted it as week zero probably cos we started on wednesday. ARGH ASDFGHJKL.
Le first day :D So I just went to my new classroom (I MISS MY OLD ONE WHAA) and my form teacher this year turned out to be my form teacher from last year. And I was so hoping for a new one... T.T Not that she's bad or anything but well you sorta get bored, ya know? Plus she knows all of us already. Not fun man not fun.
I had a speech and drama lesson :D Well mostly speech but still :3 We had to like say tongue twisters and I was like T.T
"Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, if Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, wheres the pick of peckled pickles pick...blehajbcds0cppp"

Nice day yo the only lesson we had was aesthetics and then study block aka awesome free time.
We had our dance and music module for aesthetics.
I do not sing people. I don't.
Not that singing is bad nono of course not it's naise...when you actually can sing. I'm not much of a singer ><|||
Dancing was ok though (me likes danceee~) We learnt part of a Latin American Jive routine that we're gonna be assessed on later in the year. hehe i had the same partner (You know who you are, Cow.)
Oh yeah then there was CCA orientation for the secondary ones this year (hehehe i'm secondary two now :D) And my CCA, Angklung, our booth was at this corner and i was like T.T I stayed beyond my shift to see the sec ones xD I FOUND A JUNIOR FROM MY CLASS LAST YEAR 106 AND I GOT ALL EXCITED AND I THINK I MAY HAVE FREAKED HER OUT BUT SHE WAS SO CUTE. xD
Me and my frens made up this song to sing to people:

Hey I just met you
And this is crazy
But here is angklung
So consider us maybe 

haha cute song xD

I was supposed to have a Chemistry test (yeah thanks a test on the third day of school on something my class hasn't even learned yet.) But then it turned out to be an oral test, and I found out later when I came home that the oral test was actually already carried out (probably while the teacher rambled on and I was somewhere near dreamland) AND I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE. Now what did I spend all that time studying for huh huh huh D<
Andd I found out theres gonna be an individual math ORAL assessment later in the year. Like whutttt D< It's not like we're ever gonna be in a place where we have to recite verbal math solutions- oh wait. yeah, at my school. T.T

Well here I am :D
TOMORROW'S SATURDAYYYY YAYYYYY ANDDDD I have angklung practice in the morning. TT^TT /excitement drains away
oh well.

Thanks for reading minna!!*bows*BAIBAIII*sparkle*

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