Friday 18 January 2013

le stuff then, now, and later~

Hi minna!
Anyway as you probably know, (oh come on theres no way you wouldn't know this) stuff last time was suckish to some of us, now we think the stuff now awesome and it'll probably be on a whole new level of awesomeness in the future.
Flying cars, flying skateboards, robot servants, digital screens floating on air, awesomer versions of iPhones, Apple products, a new electronics brand called Pineapple, And our generation sitting at home crying inside while watching our grandkids/ great grandkids enjoy the things we didn't get to play with when we were young. D:
Compare from ye olden days when Queen Elizabeth's puffy dresses - that I have no idea how women those days could wear every day - were the fashion trends that women followed like all the time. Now you wear a dress like those and people's gonna stare and take a gazillion pics of you._. JEANS AND T-SHIRTS FOREVA <3
Maybe next time the fashion statement is gonna be shiny silver spandex suits. You realise how with each age the clothes people normally wear are like more revealing in a way? I mean compare that puffy dress or a tux to shorts and t-shirts. Yeah. Maybe next time they'll wear...never mind._.
AND OH GAWSH THE TV FROM LAST TIME. THAT IS NOT A TV I SAY THAT IS BUT A PATHETIC BOX WITH MOVING PICTURES. Ok so my Grandpa in Jakarta has one in his old house...but at least he uses modernised TVs now :D (though I do have one friend who uses tiny old boxes....-_-)
And last time they danced ballroom dances and waltz and stuff (oh gawd my ballroom dance module at school T.T) I actually find stuff like that when done by pros quite nice I guess, but I prefer hiphop <3 I wonder wat sort of dancing there'll be next time...There might be a new dance style :D Then the youngsters then might think of hiphop, breakdancing etc as old -_-
Me shall tell you a story~
Once upon a time several times I rode in my dad's car and changed the radio channel to but he didn't like the music and changed it to another channel I forgot -.- Maybe rock music is gonna be in next time? Or maybe kids will start liking classical xD
Haha imagine if next time we'll have like these chairs that bring us everywhere (like the ones in WALL-E :D) nice life lol lazing around all day. But then we'll grow fat D: NUU.
Last time science wasn't so advanced I guess. Now there's more stuff to learn...T^T AND NEXT TIME THERE SHALL BE MORE MUAHAHAHAHA GOOD LUCK KIDS.
Omg maybe there'll be MMORPGs like SAO. OMG I WANT TO PLAY THAT AND MAYBE I'LL GET STUCK INSIDE FOR TWO YEARS AND HAVE AN AWESOME TIME TRYING NOT TO DIE. But really if there will be one that'll be so cool I'll play it with my grandkids all day. :D
Squeee~~ I wanna go to the future~~~ or the past~~ and do something that might accidentally change the world. /gulp ._.
K so that's it for now I like bananas i hope you like them too :D
Thanks for reading minna!*bows*BAIBAIII*sparkle*

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