Sunday 30 December 2012

The Hobbit

Hi minna!! :D
Sooo~ yesterday I went to watch the hobbit with my friends :3
I shall tell youz about itzz~
I don't watch Lord of the Rings btw. I understood the movie though ho:3
When the movie started and there was the dragon and all spewing naise pretty red flames I was like "ooooooo" then it turned out that the only part of the dragon I could see was its tail and claws. Damnit. I wanted to see more of it T^T
Honestly speaking, why would a dragon actually want all that gold in the fortress? I mean it's not like it can actually  use it...maybe make a pretty sandcastle out of it, gold version? xD then again it did sleep buried under the gold...I wonder if gold is comfy to sleep in....
haha I was laughing damn hard when all the dwarves went into bilbo baggins house man. And how they finished all his food xD If dwarves ever come to my house I'm locking all the way they taking my food. MY PRECIOUSSSSSSS /growl. NO TOUCHY. (I sound like Gollum ._.)
Ya know with all those layers of clothing the dwarves put on I wonder if they actually feel hot._. And their hair omg xD All the plaits and ridiculousness xD I wonder if they shower._. /... Honestly them being fighters and all wouldn'tit be more convenient to just cut it short...? Or at least tie it in a ponytail yo.
The elves look so civilized and elegant yo. AND THEY HAVE NAISE HAIR. if it was real i wonder how they maintain the naiseness~ kya~
I think Gollum was cute xD in a way xD he liked playing riddles ahahaha and his facial expressionsssss xD "my preciousssss" (see i did say i sounded like Gollum) Then he cried and I was like "awwww" He was rather creepy though...I think if I was Bilbo Baggins then I would've freaked out and fainted on the spot._. The Gollum might eat me >< D:
Then the great goblin dude. At first I thought it was a beard...Then I realised it was his face and i was like wtf o.o When he got defeated it was damn funny lol.
great goblin: gets poked in the eye and slashed. "that will do it."
the he fell on the dwarves lolol poor dwarves xD /squished
The white orc dude was creepy yo._. his handdddd. I mean who would like just pierce a piece of stick looking fake hand through your arm as a substitute  hand?? Isn't that just sort of making the wound worse come on the stick was likepoking through his elbowwww D: well it did add to the creepy badass guy factor I suppose._. meep.
then the movie ended with a cliffhanger and the dragon woke up benath a pile of gold. THE END.
Twas a pretty okay movie :3
So thats al for now minna!Thanks for reading!*bows*BAIBAIIII*sparkle*
(oh gosh my holiday is ending so soon T^T)

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