Saturday 28 July 2012


So did anyone watch the opening? It was naise~ You know when Queen Elizabeth and James Bond was in the helicopter, then he looked out and there was this statue person waving at them, it was like sho cooool:D I would get the shock of my life if I saw a statue suddenly wave at me yo! I went to Las Vegas once and someone actually did that, I was like "Ooooooooooh Ö" Yah...although I sort of pity the people who have to do that yo, it's like you stand there for so long....and scare random people by waving at them suddenly...actually it's quite cool:D SO anyway, back to the Olympics opening:D Then they reached the stadium....and the Queen JUMPED OFF._. I was like " Ö HOLY TAKOS Omg she actually jumped off?!?Thats so cool^^" But like my dad told me that it was probably a stunt double, I think so too...I mean who in their right mind would let the Queen jump off a freaking helicopter?If the parachute doesn't open then....DOOMD: The Queen also appeared later walking down the stadium steps to their seats anyways so confirm is a stunt double. It was still cool tho:D *thumbs up*
Then right, the London Symphony Orchestra played, and ROWAN ATKINSON WAS PLAYING DA KEYBOARD THINGY:D I was like "OMG MR BEANNNNN:D" Sho kewl yo^^ It was sho funny!! He was like"*playoing one note....bored.....checks watch.....*"Then he sneezed, it was so funny~!He used an umbrella to play the note so he could get a tissue, I was like ROFLing yo~ Then he started to dream....and he was like running with all these other guys wearing white shirts buttoned all the way up(they looked so nerdy omgÖ) and then he got slower...and was like at the back of the group. Then he got a car/cab and drove so he was at the front again and so he got first in the end:D (omg total Mr Bean moment yo) He was like *opens arms and runs....reaches finish line....opens mouth* LOL ROFL MOMENTXD then he woke up and it was sooo epiccc:D Yayyy new Mr Bean stufff I like finished watching all the Mr Bean episodes already so it's naise to see some new Mr Bean action:D
OH YA David Beckham arrived on a speedboat with the Olympic Torch!!!GAHHH SPEEDBOAT!!!I WANNA RIDE ONEEEE IT LOOKS SHO COOLLL OMG SPAZZZZZZ XDXD
OMG THEY SAY THAT VOLDEMORT AND MARY POPPINS HAD AN EPIC BATTLEXDXD I didn't watch it tho:( I know, sadTT^TT) Ahaha so cool apparently 30 Mary Poppins flew down into the stadium on umbrellas (lol wts?XD) to defeat a 4o-foot Voldemort that was inflatable (BALLOONNNYYY VOLDEMORTTTTT SQUISHHHHHHXD) Lol epic much? Who would've thought of that?XD London is sho creative nowdays^^
You know right, when all the countries/teams were like coming out?I actually watched some of it, then I realised after so long they were still on countries starting with the letter A, and I was like wts?ITS GONNA TAKE SO LONG Ö so I decided I had better things to do, and wnet to my awesome macbook pro to start blogging. And well here I am.__. Ok I have nothing left to say.....GAHHHH
thanks for reading minna!*bows*BAIBAIIII*sparkle*

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