Monday 13 August 2012

Arcana Famiglia!

My Gawsh. I hvnt blogged in like so long. I'm so sorry!!!>< My mac crashed and now it doesn't seem so awesome anymore== MAC WHY DID U CRASH???Ö
So anyways, who knows La Storia della Arcana Famiglia?:D Those who don't know...WHYYY??Ö haha those who don't know, it's this naise new anime^^
"So there's this organization called Arcana Famiglia that protects an island called Regalo from outside threats and dangers. The Famiglia is made up of people who have made contracts with the Arcana cards, and have received special abilities due to this. On his birthday celebration, the "Papa" has decided it's time for him to retire and give up his seat to a new male who has control over an Arcana. To decide who in the "family" gets this seat, he calls for a tournament, called Arcana Duello, between Arcana users. To the winner, he promises the "Papa" seat, a wish of the winner's choice, and his daughter's hand in marriage. Refusing to accept this, Felicitá decides to fight to choose her own path, with her friends Liberta and Nova fighting for her freedom by her side." ~ Wikipedia
Yesh. So, since its new there's only a few episodes so far, a new ep comes out every Tuesday (UTC+8.00) people not in this time zone, go figure out whether the day is still the same XD
Heheh Nova aka the chickpeaXD (if u dun get it, go watch arcana famiglia or google it^^) He sort of looks like Ciel Phantomhive from Kuroshitsuji.......right?
Ciel Phantomhive

Hurhurhur^^ DON"T THEY LOOK ALIKE? SAY YES>:D hmm..lemme try to find more charactersXD

Gil Nightray


Ok anyways don't you think it would be sho cool if we could have arcana powers too? Like Felicita can see into people's heartsÖ Imagine you read someone's heart and find that they're thinking about a question. If you answer the questions I'd love to see the reaction on the other other person's face XD And Liberta's power is cool too, he can make anything he says happen.
LIberta: "...EAT!!!"
*people suddenly starts stuffing themselves with wts expressions on their faces XDXD*
And Debito can make himself invisible...WAO. VERY USEFUL FOR HALLOWEEN. AND PRANKS. OHOHOHO~
Btw people, if you know that you're impatient and stuff, don't watch this yet :P since there are only like so far 5 episodes...I said don't watch it YET not don't watch it ever==
SO yah...honto ni gomenasai ne for the super late post>< If I don't post within 1 week ever again it means either something happened to my mac, I have a ton of exams or I've died XP NUUUU TOUCH WOOD *looks around for wood*AHH NO WOOD *freaks out*Ö
*finds pic online*
*touches computer screen*
heheh ^^

So I shall finish off here...thanks for reading minna!! *bows*BAIBAIII*sparkle*

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