Friday 5 April 2013



Do you guys know who Lawson is? I actually asked a few people around and some of them didn't know._. Well they're this band from the UK that's actually quite popular I think, and they came to Singapore yay :D

Lol at first I thought it was a joke that they were coming -_-
Cos when I heard the news, it was on Monday, aka April Fools Day. (HAHAHA MY BATCH STUFFED BALLOONS UNDER MY FRENS BDAE CAKE AND SHE SCREAMED WHEN SHE CUT THE CAKE AND THEY BURST HAHAHA But that's a story for another day^^) Then my friend told me that my geography teacher got all excited over Lawson on Twitter and emailed my school principal about Lawson coming already xD Imagine if it was fake she would be so dead :P

Anyway today also happened to be an assessment day at my school. I had a geography, history and higher chinese paper. OH GAWDS IT WAS JUST ASDFGHJKL
So meeting Lawson after those horrors was nice I guess :D (Instead of going home and starting on projects ugh)

Hot 91.3 FM was actually the one who organised the whole Lawson thing :D My fave radio channel YAYAY
The DJs from 91.3fm were there :O IT WAS COOL MAN. COOL.
And the camera guy sat next to me. Lol. Then he moved away after he said hi to us students around him :P

So Lawson cammeee yayyyy we screamed (or the others did I don't normally scream xD) YOU KNOW. MY FRIEND. GOT CHOSEN TO BE CLOTHED BY LAWSON. AND HUGGED. AHHHHHH (theyclothed her in random accessories lol it was quite funny xD)
And those who got picked up from the crowd all got to hug them MAO
Lawson is so tall omg D: I bet I would''ve looked like some dwaf or something next to them :P And the shortest guy, Adam, was 162/3cm. Which is still like 10cm taller than me.
/I'm short
/This is sad

They played games. And answered questions. One of us (actually 2 I think) asked 2 of the Lawson members to marry them. And one of them got a picture with him >:O /seethes
Another girl asked them to show their abs. So the DJ counted to 3, and they were supposed to lift their shirts together (i think the one who did this was Boy Thunder? Hehe) So all of us ran forward with out phones to take pix (myself included, twas a rare and interesting opportunity.
/no shirts were lifted. No abs were shown
Awwh :/

i think the session ended there haha it was quite short :P But at least we got to see them :D ONCE IN A LIFETIME (most probably) HEHEHE

Pic I took 8D a bit suckish but yeah haha
Thanks for reading minna *bows*BAIBAIII*sparkle*

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