Monday 11 March 2013

Le me's day :D

Hi minna :D
Tis another post on le me's day~
OK anyway this week is my school's learning journey or LJ week, which means we basically go out on excursions/watch movies that like are related to our learning and stuff like that everyday until friday :D
Soooo today was our History LJ.
Blah blah the history of SIngapore. It was mainly on World War 2 actually, and we visited like this museum and some other places.

So in the museum which was our first stop, we watched a vid with Elizabeth Choy (search her up if you dont know her hehe) giving an interview about her experience as a prisoner of war. Basically it was horrible omg I never wanna have to go through all that >< And there was another vid...that was pretty sad too :( This woman called Sophie had to give up one of her two children...and...gah><

After that, we looked for like two trees outside the museum, the Changi trees or something. Lol yes we went tree hunting -_- Not really actually our guide just told us where they were lolol. I think its the Sindora wallichii and the Hopea sangal. FANCY NAMESS
I think the Sindora right was actually some national heritage marker, but they had to fell it during the war cos i was too tall and planes could like use it as a marker for bombing ._. Only after they felled it, did they realise there was this story behind the tree, that as long as the Changi tree stood, Singapore would not fall.

heehee then we went to Changi Boardwalk. Omg the most memorable thing happened HAHAHA
My friend's phone dropped through the wooden planks of the boardwalk, onto the ground beneath.
And they couldnt get it out for some time ._.
Haha most epic moment xD In the end she got it out so good for her :) It wouldve been so sad if she didnt get it >< But yay she did hehe

Skip to a few hours later i was back in school, and me and my frens went to support our school's netball team playing for 3rd/4th place against another school. The match was actually fun to watch hehe the netballers were so pro omg :O THEIR ACCURACYYYY :OOOO
If it were me I'd probably be this fumbling idiot on the court. Which is why I'm not in netball :D

THEN WE WENT TO EAT AT SOGURTTTT its a frozen yogurt shop hehe :D
I actually got a mini brain freeze at some point of time lolol maybe I ate the frozen yoghurt too fast ._. HAHA DID I  TELL YOU GUYS NO I DIDNT LAST TIME MY FREN MANAGED TO BITE OFF A WHOLE HALF OF A STICK ICE CREAM. AND THE FREEZING ENSUED. HAHA IT WAS DAMN FUNNY XD

Yah...after all that I walked home. Anti climax much :P
But it was a nice day hehe

Oh yah I almost fell into a ditch while walking -_- ALMOST. IM STILL ALIVE AND WELL HOHOHOHOHOHO

K bye minna, thanks for reading!*bows*BAIBAIII*sparkle*

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