Wednesday 12 December 2012


Hey minna :D
Its 12/12/12 today :D
We won't have another date like this  in like 1000 years...T^T /sadface
so i decided to spend the last 15 minutes of it blogging yayyyy :D
im back in singapore already btw hohoho
anyways i shall share what I did today
so i woke up this morning for my flight home. we were supposed to leave my cousins house at 11, but then again my parents are always late so i figured we'd leave earliest 11.3o. in the end we left at 12. -3-
so after eating noodles for breakfast/lunch i posted on fb 12/12/12.12.12 at 12/12/12.12.12pm. hohoho yeah i did that just for the sake of it and my best fwen liked the post. thanks best fwen :D
then i went to the airport and blah. on the flight i watched how i met your mother hoho
then i landed in singapore. and went home. and watched rental magica and beelzebub and hunter x hunter on animax before getting screamed at to change my clothes (which i didn't) and go to my uncles house to eat dinner.
so i went to my uncles house and brought my awesome macbook to watch heartstrings(the korean drama :D), play fb tetris ( I KILLED MY OPPONENTS MUAHAHAHAHAHA) and read fanfiction on my phone.
then i went home.
and made a wish on 12/12/12 at 11.30pm cos i just remembered. (that was rather silly , yes. but come on im still a little kid inside-3-)
it was a rather uneventful day....
oh yeah then i bathed and here i am.
happy 12/12/12 minna :D
enjoy the last 4 minutes of it.
love you minna :D
thanks for reading!*bows*BAIBAIII*sparkle*

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