Tuesday 25 September 2012


Konichiwa minna~
Have you ever tried building a snowman?No seriously, have you?._.
I think the last time I tried was when I went to Whistler, Canada for le Decmeber holidays about 3/2 years ago I think...?
Yeah. So. I have quite a lot of cousins. I went there with my mum's whole side of da family, and my grandpa rented this awesome chalet for all of us for 3 days i think. IT WAS HUGE. IT HAD A HOT TUB. AND A POOL TABLE. AND A FIREPLACE (I don't have them where i'm from okT.T)AND MANY MANY ROOMS. DA BEDS WERE BOUNCY. YES, I BOUNCED ON THEM. BE JEALOUS>:D
yeah, so da chalet was awesomely awesome^^ Singapore doesn't have snow, it's summer all year roundT.T SINGAPORE WAI YOU NO SNOW~~~~~WAI YOU SO NEAR DA EQUATOR HUH HUH HUH TT^TT etto those who don't know this, apparently I live in SIngapore. Yeah.
Since there's snow, the only logical thing to do, is to have fun with it :D So we went tobogganing.(those who don't know whut that is, remember that google is your best fren~) SHO FUN YO. WE SLID DOWN SLOPES. I ALMOST FELL OVER. WHEEEEEEEE~~~~~
yeah then after that we made snowmen. or at least tried to. mine became a pathetic lump of snow:/ One of my cousin's one was the most successful. It was...quite...small...though...about the height of me backpack?meh its a regular backpack im sure you have one:D then he decided to put it smal branches as devil horns xD AHAHA IT LOOKED SO FUNNY YO IT WAS LIKE THIS LITTLE PILE OF SNOW WITH AN EVIL FACE AND TOW BRANCHES XD Then we saw other people's snowmen. They were...un-disfigured. Shaped into perfectly round balls.*insert holy music*
Ahaha then we took pictures with those snowmen cos da builders left already and pretended to be building them xD /FAIL MUCH
SNOWMEN. You should try making one, try sand if not snow:D I CAN BET YOU. YOU WILL FAIL xD /gets shot
imagine if you built a snowmen...and someone popped out of it.....hm.......................xD
So I guess that's it for now:D Thanks for reading minna*bows*BAIBAIII*sparkle*

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