Wednesday 5 September 2012



Hello readers!:D i know. it has been a long time since I last blogged. GOMENASAIIIIIIII SPARE MEEEEEEEEE DX i was busy kay. I still am.==
voices in my head: unfaithful blogger unfaithful blogger unfaithful blogg-
Le awesome me: URUSAI!!!!!!! *bangs head*
voices: ow.....
(urusai = shut up)
So anyways I figured I should start blogging again after...2 weeks?meep._. gomen ne >< *bows*

anyways you all should know oppa gangnam style rightz?:D yah, I know it's sort of old-ish right now and already quite long ago but still. OPPA GANGNAM STYLE~
Did you guys see any parody videos of oppa gangnam style on youtube? They are freaking funny yo:D WATCHWATCHWATCHHHH
Even Singapore made an oppa gangnam style parody, I think it's called Singaporean style (wow that's just so original. haha.) it's damn funnayy:D

My friend told me that you can burn calories by dancing oppa gangnam style...I forgot how muchXD then again dance is a sport so like those dance styles that use up a lot of energy also let you burn calories right...?ok I SHALL NOT DIGRESS.

then came oppa is my style~
and hyuna appeared.
yesh, she appeared in oppa gangnam style but she appeared more here~
i have no about i think it's ok?:D
oh yaaa at the end hyuna jumped on PSY's back O.O PIGGY BACK RIDE WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE then she jumped off._.

When I was with my cousins overseas she first showed me oppa gangnam style on her iPad :D my 2 year old sis was excited XD
Then we tried dancing it ahahahaa it was sho fun yoXD then i got tired and stopped. *anti climax much* ehehehe~
At a recent class party we played oppa gangnam style through our class speakers:D then my classmates started dancing XD i stood at the back with my frens and drank ice lemon tea hahahahahahaa *more anti climax*
what? I'm not gonna start dancing in class._. I wasn't that high or crazy hahaha no offense classmates._. naise dancing hehe you guys are crazy in a  good way :DDD

Yep so I guess we have come to the end of this blog post...AWWWWWWWWWWW
me: *glares at you*
you: *gulp* a-aw-aw-awww...?._.
me: ^^
so yah...kay le me's exams are coming up soon and le me needs to study as le me's grades...not that good._. so le me will probably post less often...AWWWWWWWWWWW
me: ...SAY AWW.
you: AWWW!!!!!!><|||
me: ^^ thanks for reading minna!! *bows*BAIBAIII*sparkle*

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